Featuring Marcus Bowers, Steven Klett, and Meg Kellerman
Hosted by Thomas Fucaloro
Plus open mic
$3 suggested donation. Two drink min, alcoholic or non.
Marcus Bowers is a multi disciplined artist. He’s also known in musical circles as Lateef Dameer. He recently released an album called “First Kiss”. He is an alumnus of the New School’s creative writing program. He currently lives in Jersey City, NJ.
Meg Kellerman is an associate editor for The Squawk Back and an editorial assistant at Rosen, an educational publishing company that allows her to write books about paranormal investigation and pop culture for kids. Her poems have appeared in publications such as Hamilton Stone Review, Barzakh, Neon, and on the Best American Poetry blog, among others.
Steven Klett is a professional writer living in Brooklyn. He has an undergraduate degree in English from The College of New Jersey and a Masters in Fine Art in Poetry from The New School. In 2014, Steven was the recipient of the New School 2014 Chapbook Award with his first book A Field Full of Mirrors and his second followup chapbook is called Songs For Gaia. After finishing his degree, he has written for public relations firms, product distribution companies, and various news organizations. In his spare time, he plays music, singing and playing guitar for the stoner metal band Undercover Rabbis and playing guitar with the band Harvey Lush and His Orchestra. He spends most of his nights playing online chess and arguing political theory.