Featuring Keisha Molby-Baez, Claire Jimenez, and Alysia Vargas
Hosted by Thomas Fucaloro
Plus open mic
$3 suggested donation. Two drink min, alcoholic or non.
Claire Jimenez is a Puerto Rican writer who grew up in Brooklyn and Staten Island, NY. She is a PhD student in English at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and received her MFA from Vanderbilt University. Her short story collection Staten Island Stories was recently published by Johns Hopkins Press.
Keisha Molby-Baez also known as Coco is a writer, poet, veteran, mother of 3, and a Bronx Coordinator. She is the author of two self-empowering poetry books Tears Laced with Fire and A little bit of Sugar. She is currently working on her third book. Keisha's work "Seeds Planted" was featured in MER VOX Quarterly: The Mom Egg Review for the Silver Linings Issue (2018). Her poems are anthologized in United: Volume Red (2019), Inside the Panic Room (2016) and The Revolution (2019) of which she's a Pushcart Prize Nominee. She also has work included in the forthcoming BX Writers Anthology. Keisha is the creator of Coco's Delight and dedicated to her life path of turning pain into purpose.
Alysia Vargas is a poet, book lover, and dog enthusiast. During her Bachelors, she studied under published poets Patricia Smith and Andres Cerpa. She is a member of the Life Vest Poetry slam team and a host of poetry series Who Needs Healing? She also still believes in ghosts and the future they hold.