which stars to pull from the gum line

"High on Laughing Gas....I've been here before......the odd vibration of the same old universe."-Ginsberg. I started thinking about the Ginsberg poem, "Laughing Gas" as I was getting my root canal and it didn't numb out the pain or the grind of the drill peaking.  I've often thought that if Ginsberg didn't become a poet he would have become a dentist analyzing every tooth and what it bit down upon.  I've often thought that if Ginsberg didn't become a dentist he would have become a poet analyzing every truth and what it bit down upon.  I'm a little spacy right now and can't really tell what it is that I'm trying to say here but here is a thought, before you read any of Ginsberg's poetry you better have  dental insurance and plenty of laughing gas because the universe is a big metallic drill and the stars line up like cracking teeth only to feel the hot breath of breath cascade from your lips into that odd vibration providing the universe with options on which stars to pull from the gum line.