George Wallace remembers Brant Lyon.
Read Morewhich stars to pull from the gum line
"High on Laughing Gas....I've been here before......the odd vibration of the same old universe."-Ginsberg. I started thinking about the Ginsberg poem, "Laughing Gas" as I was getting my root canal and it didn't numb out the pain or the grind of the drill peaking. I've often thought that if Ginsberg didn't become a poet he would have become a dentist analyzing every tooth and what it bit down upon. I've often thought that if Ginsberg didn't become a dentist he would have become a poet analyzing every truth and what it bit down upon. I'm a little spacy right now and can't really tell what it is that I'm trying to say here but here is a thought, before you read any of Ginsberg's poetry you better have dental insurance and plenty of laughing gas because the universe is a big metallic drill and the stars line up like cracking teeth only to feel the hot breath of breath cascade from your lips into that odd vibration providing the universe with options on which stars to pull from the gum line.
Aimee Herman and how she never uses the door
There are some poets out there who think if you say the words "clitoris" or "fuck" they are being different and controversal. When Aimee Herman does it it's necessary. There is a difference. There are sex poems and then there are poems of the body and Aimee certainly falls under the category of the body. I've been to readings before and a poet will start getting very explicit and sexual and the crowd gets all into it but there is no art in it, might as well be writing Hustler letters or something. With Aimee those kinds of innuendos are necessary because there is art involved and a unique voice. Now Aimee's poetry has alot more layers than sex and the body but you can tell they are interests of her's. She has a new book of poetry coming out called "To go without blinking" and she'll be premiering poems from it this friday at Side walk Cafe at 7pm (Ave. A and 6th St.) You won't regret seeing this wonderful poet perform. She almost makes you think she's talking about your body, which in a way she is, but she's got nothing but her body on the mind which is why she is such an important artist, she lets you in without showing you the door.
brant lyon
Thomas Fucaloro on Brant Lyon.
Read Morethe poetry of Larry David
I love the poetry of Larry David. Some would disagree and say where are you finding poetry in Larry David's work? My heart. I carry Larry David with me everywhere I go like my internal organs, rotting but still working. The poem is in the listener's heart and mine resounds with the poetry of a million men not considered poets followed by the 5 million women not considered poets. Sprinkle the dust light of laughter that swells the soul into uncontrollable and what's more honest than the uncontrollable? If you watch Curb Your Enthusiasm the poems are inbetween the laughs pouring into a rising sun. Finding poetry in Larry David is easy, finding poetry in myself, not so much.