Photo of Francine Witte by Carol Sessler
Featuring Joanna Acevedo and Francine Witte
Hosted by George Wallace
Plus open mic
$3 suggested donation. Two drink min, alcoholic or non.
Joanna Acevedo is a writer, educator, and editor from New York City. She was nominated for a Pushcart in 2021 for her poem “self portrait if the girl is on fire” and is the author of three books and chapbooks, including Unsaid Things (Flexible Press, 2021) and List of Demands (Bottlecap Press, 2022). Her work can be found across the web and in print, including or forthcoming in Litro USA, Hobart, The Rumpus, and Arriving at a Shoreline (great weather for MEDIA). She is a Guest Editor at Frontier Poetry and The Masters Review, Associate Poetry Editor at West Trade Review, and a member of the Review Team at Gasher Journal, in addition to running interviews at Fauxmoir and The Great Lakes Review. As well as being a Goldwater Fellow at NYU, she was a Hospitalfield 2020 Interdisciplinary Resident. She received her MFA in Fiction from New York University in 2021, teaches writing and interviewing skills through the nonprofit system, and is supported by Creatives Rebuild New York: Guaranteed Income For Artists.
Francine Witte stories are published in Best Small Fictions 2022, and Flash Fiction America (W.W. Norton.) and many other journals. Her recent books are Dressed All Wrong for This (Blue Light Press,) The Way of the Wind (AdHoc fiction,) The Cake, The Smoke, The Moon (ELJ Editions,) and Just Outside the Tunnel of Love (Blue Light Press.) Her poetry book, Some Distant Pin of Light is forthcoming from Cervena Barva Press in ate 2023. She is flash fiction editor for Flash Boulevard and The South Florida Poetry Journal. She lives in NYC. Find Francine’s flash fiction in great weather for MEDIA’s latest anthology Arriving at a Shoreline.